So why a blog? Why a space on the internet to share my life and a few stories? I asked my husband the same thing on a recent trip to Chicago, when Completing Joy was just a fun, new thought.
“But Greg, who am I? Who do I think I am to talk about myself on the internet on a weekly basis and why would anyone want to read what I have to say? I’m just another voice in a chaotic world where everyone wants to be heard!”
Shortly after deciding to just go for it and write a blog, put it all out there, get vulnerable and uncomfortable, I listened to a favorite song by Josh Garrels. I’d listened to “Colors” a hundred times, at least, but that day I think I truly heard it for the first time.
“This is our story
This is our song
We’re telling it slowly all life long
Of a Savior and what He’s done
It’s a mystery”
And that’s when I knew, writing a blog about my life and my experiences didn’t mean I had to be selfish, it meant that I had a wonderful platform to give a reason for the hope within me, as Peter would say.
So the truth is that I am just one person. But I’m one person with a God-given beautiful, hard, redeeming story. And it’s a story that is my responsibility and pleasure to share.
So I hope that this can be a place for just that. Sharing our stories. Laughing, crying and processing together. Reflecting on the stunning grace and selfless love of Jesus Christ. And more than anything, enjoying the Lord’s presence.
Grab a cup of coffee, I’m glad you’re here.